All the details you need are right here.

My packages

Psst! Over here! Do you work for or run a non-profit organisation? I have different rates and offers for you. Just reach out to me with a few words about what you do and I’ll get back to you.

Brand voice development

Through brand development exercises and consulting sessions, we will discover a tone and style that speaks to your target audience. I will define methods that help you to implement the brand voice into your writing. You’ll come away with a full brand voice guide and everything you need to put it into practice.

Website copywriting

Whether you’re just getting started and building your website from the beginning, or you’re part of a long-established business in need of a website rewrite, you’re looking in the right place. I’ll craft the content that engages your ideal customers or clients and leads them towards the actions you want them to take.

Blog writing packages

From short and snappy blog articles to in-depth reportage articles, I will provide content that keeps people reading and builds your brand. Uncertain which topics to focus on? I’ll help with that, too.

Video scripts

I’ve spent time breaking down what makes a video ad successful so that you don’t have to. If we work together, you’ll get more than a script – because I’m not secretive about my techniques. There are tonnes of ways to stop those thumbs from scrolling that I just can’t wait to share with you.

Packaging copy

When a customer holds your product in their hands, that’s your chance to make an impression and put a smile on their face. I’ll help you to do that even with the most legally-essential packaging text.

Need to know more?