Done and Dusted Blog Writing Service: Gold

CHF 3,600.00

What’s included in this package?

  • 4 x 500 word blog posts and 2x 1000 delivered to you every month*

  • Strategic use of the “hub and spokes model” to boost your search engine rankings

  • keyword & industry research

  • on-page SEO & relevant tags

  • one 30-min consultation and strategy call a month

  • the guided review process that my clients love

  • full-fledged editing and proofreading

*This assumes particular contract conditions, such as your availability mid-way through the month for the guided review process and subsequent edits. Waiting period for start date: up to 2-3 weeks (subject to my availability). I reserve the right to decline the project if needed (e.g. if we aren’t a good fit). In these instances, the money will be refunded.

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What’s included in this package?

  • 4 x 500 word blog posts and 2x 1000 delivered to you every month*

  • Strategic use of the “hub and spokes model” to boost your search engine rankings

  • keyword & industry research

  • on-page SEO & relevant tags

  • one 30-min consultation and strategy call a month

  • the guided review process that my clients love

  • full-fledged editing and proofreading

*This assumes particular contract conditions, such as your availability mid-way through the month for the guided review process and subsequent edits. Waiting period for start date: up to 2-3 weeks (subject to my availability). I reserve the right to decline the project if needed (e.g. if we aren’t a good fit). In these instances, the money will be refunded.

What’s included in this package?

  • 4 x 500 word blog posts and 2x 1000 delivered to you every month*

  • Strategic use of the “hub and spokes model” to boost your search engine rankings

  • keyword & industry research

  • on-page SEO & relevant tags

  • one 30-min consultation and strategy call a month

  • the guided review process that my clients love

  • full-fledged editing and proofreading

*This assumes particular contract conditions, such as your availability mid-way through the month for the guided review process and subsequent edits. Waiting period for start date: up to 2-3 weeks (subject to my availability). I reserve the right to decline the project if needed (e.g. if we aren’t a good fit). In these instances, the money will be refunded.